Monday, February 1, 2010

Dual Blog! a. What I do during Japanese class b. Hipstamatic iPhone App.

Whenever I tell people that I 'facilitate' a Japanese class, people ask me, "can you even speak Japanese?" And I reply, "No I don't, but I have a student teacher who teaches the class for me and he is great." And naturally, people want to know what I do with the extra two hours, when I'm not teaching. These two hours have become my favourite hours of the day and I always try to be a good steward with the extra time.

Every day I start out by checking my email.

The stapler is no doubt covered in germs so I use a lot of hand sanitizer.

These two hours are an excellent time to drink some coffee. Kyle left this mug in my car. He said I could have it.

Grade some papers.
Star Sticker. Kids love star stickers.
Also, I use the time to plan ahead and organize my notes and thoughts for teaching future Freshman World History classes.
If there is time, I might chat up a buddy on gmail or try to do something creative like write a blog entry.

Hand sanitizer is vital to teachers.