Wednesday, January 27, 2010

50 year plan for never living alone: or how I hope life works out.

Last night, for listening club, we watched a depressing and beautiful documentary about the Hlemmur bus terminal in Reykjavik Iceland; specifically the homeless people who spend their time around it. Depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, and mental illness were some of the issues connecting each character, but the one heart wrenching aspect of each of their lives was parenthood. Each of the characters had children, mostly grown up and independent, whom they were no longer in contact with. This common theme lead to overwhelming depression which also contributed to the alcoholism and drug use. Everytime a character would speak about their children, my heart would break. I'm not afraid of being alone, nither do I run from silence, but it is a Biblical truth that we aren't meant to be alone. (Gen 2:18)

You can call me a momma's boy, socialist, whatever, but here's my plan for never again in my life, living alone if I can help it. The entire plan, which is in no way revolutionary, revolves around the extended family unit and my empathy for my own parents. "He's gonna be changing our diapers someday," my dad often jokes. What he doesn't know is that surely some day when he is elderly and can't take care of himself or my mother or visa versa, I will indeed refuse to send them to any assisted living community. I'll build an extension onto my house, buy a new house, pitch a tent in the back yard, or do whatever I need to do to have my parents live with me.

Both of my parents are fairly healthy and relatively young, only 24 years older than me, so I don't forsee them needing assistance for a very long time. Also, if one were to die, mine or in-law, I will in a moments notice take in the other. I would even like for them to live with me earlier. I can think of a ton of benifits to having my parents live with me:

Free childcare. A live in cook who works for hugs and the occassional scrabble or golf game. Wisdom for my kids to learn from. And a bit of heart wrenching entertainment when they start to get loopy. There will be books that need reading, crosswords that need finishing, and kids to spoil.

If I have my children though within the next 5 years or so, chances are very high that my children will be out and on their own around the same time that I need to take in my own parents and we can all just be old together. And to complete my cycle, hopefully I was as awesome a parent as mine were and my own kids will be willing to take me in!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Music! Jay Reatard! Watch Me Fall!

What just happened? I'll tell you what just happened. I was just checking out Duksjen the Movie on When a song came on. An insanely catchy punk song. And in that instant, nothing made sense. I looked down at my green Van's and felt my beard and asked, "Who am I?" After a moment the Shazam app told me that the music playing was a song called Rotten Mind by a young man named Jay Reatard. Needing to investigate, I stopped the movie and went to iTunes to sample whatever I could find and decided to buy his latest album. And listening to it a couple times sparked some intense emotions. I'm stoked obviously to have found this, but at the same time...
Jay Reatard (pronounced Retard, but I say it Re Atard because I don't like the "r" word) plays a brand of early punk very reminiscent of The Clash and other various '70s punk bands, but a helluva lot catchier. Produced at my ideal level of lo-fi, this punk album has hooks catchier than a pop album complete with a forced brit-punk accent.
...I'm borderline pissed that this human existed and no one bothered to tell me. I honestly thought I had friends who were good at finding music, but this album makes me the indie rock finding king of my friends...
I started out by buying 'Watch Me Fall', his latest album, but shortly I'll be expanding my Jay Reatard stash hopefully to include his entire prolific collection. I can already tell that 'Watch Me Fall' will take a long time to get stale, but next on the "to buy" list is 'Blood Visions.
...It's also tragic that I only discovered Jay Reatard days after he died (May 1, 1980 – January 13, 2010). So in memory of Jay, I highly recommend that if you're reading this post, at least go on iTunes and sample some of his licks...