Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mountain: Schweitzer!

Idaho. What can be said about Idaho? Idaho, claims potatoes, yet Washington produces more. Idaho has zero professional sports teams. 96.99% of the earthlings are white with more Mormons than Catholics. Home to Sacajawea and Ernest Hemmingway. Best of all, Schweitzer!

I've been to Schweitzer on three separate trips and each trip has been super duper! I love the sheer size of Schweitzer and her 2,900 rideable acres. Long runs and an endless supply of 'spots' makes Schweitzer an all day every day exploration. In Idaho, a state of roughly only 1.2 million humans, fresh lines can be found from open to close on powder days. Also she has a great backside! God knows how much I love a soft backside with smooth lines to explore! Well that was inappropriate!

I'm stoked about Schweitzer. In Idaho I also want to visit Silver Mountain and Sun Valley.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Music: Born Ruffians!

Living in my favourite town Ellensburg, I asked my friend Jake via Facebook, the wildly popular interweb social network, "what music should I be letting into my ear parts these days?"

Jake answered, "Born Ruffians!" among other bands.

So I bought a Born Ruffians album called Red Yellow & Blue. After a listen or two, I decided to buy the other Born Ruffians album called Born Ruffians. And since buying these albums, I moved to California spent all my money, moved back in with my parents and started a blog! Thanks to Born Ruffians, I am now again the guy who Mark Driscoll warns women not to date.

I greatly apologize that I am not educated well enough to properly categorize Born Ruffians in the infinite sub genres of Rock 'n Roll. But I will say that they are swell! If I have one adjective to describe the music of Born Ruffians, I choose 'youthful'. On three distinct occasions I've had the intention to put on some tunes and take a nap and made the mistake of playing a 'Ruffians track and going for a 4 mile run instead. I've also contracted my motorcycle friend Kyle to invent a motorcycle for me based only on first track of
Born Ruffians.

Born Ruffians also get 2 scholarly intellectual points for having a track named Kurt Vonnegut!

Here is my favourite song! Javier likes to sing it "all white people go out at night"! Which is funny.
I need a life

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last summer, I made probably the best investment I've ever made. Buying my bike introduced me to the whole new wonderful world of outside. Anyone who has listened to a cycling enthusiast has heard the 'list'. Nothing makes me more excited about bikes than the list of awesome reasons to ride bicycles. Here is my bycicle list. Devin's Bicycle List (abridged):
1. Exercise- I reached my adult lowest weight the previous fall when I weighed about 281 lbs. I've since gained about 10-15 pounds this winter, but I still weigh less than usual this time of year (late winter).

2. Economic- In the months of August through November I almost never drove my car (toyota 4runner). Whenever I am driving regularly, I can possibly need to fill up my tank every week. In those three months, I was able to manage filling up once each month, even with driving to Yakima or Vantage to trade film (football) every weekend.

3. Vigilante- I think a little rebellion is good for a person and a bike provides the perfect vessel! When it's safe of course, I run stop signs and lights and pass cars in traffic (passing cars in traffic isn't illegal, but it feels illegalesque). Disclaimer: Bicycle at your own riding level.

And that's it! Riding my bike makes me sexy, saves me money and allows me some rebellion. What is on your bike list?

Here are my favorite bike links: <--great bikes, you can buy them at the Recycle Shop here in Ellensburg... <-- my favorite bicycle website. Great bike blog, and free downloads of their bi-monlthly bike culture magazine. I read it cover to cover every new issue.

Do you like bicycles?

Welcome to my Blog!

My given name is Devin Colby Jones, and I like a plethora of things. I must use the simplest terms such as 'things' and 'stuff' to describe what i'm going to share in this blog because the only unifying aspect of the things I plan to share, is that I like what I'm going to write about. So stay tuned to see what kind of stuff I like!